Getting Set Up with MiRoCLOUD

MiRoCLOUD is the online portal to access our revolutionary robot programming and simulation software MiRoCODE.

Simply sign up and in a few clicks, you and your students can be coding in the cloud. No need for storage or server heavy downloads, MiRoCLOUD lets you access MiRoCODE anywhere on practically any machine.



Please don’t try to sign up for CQR Hub on your own, please use the personal link sent to you, otherwise you will not be able to access MiRoCODE.


How MiRoCLOUD works

MiRoCLOUD has two access levels; Staff and User. Staff can access all the features of Users by switching profiles in the top right of MiRoCLOUD.

staff account.png
user account.png

The animated video below helps to explain some of the features of MiRoCLOUD.


The MiRoCLOUD Site

Click below if you want some guidance or code program ideas to use in MiRoCODE itself.