Discovery STEM and the Future of Robotics in Education

Discovery STEM and the Future of Robotics in Education

Meet our newest member of the MiRo ambassador programme! Dr Melissa Butt is the Director of Discovery STEM Education, the Chair of World Educational Robotics in the UK and a Co-founder of Invent Future Global. Read on to learn about how Melissa’s is making robotics and programming accessible to schools, teachers and pupils, why she is collaborating with MiRo and her thoughts on the future of robotics in education.

MiRoAPP for iOS Launch!

MiRoAPP for iOS Launch!

Download the new MiRoAPP for iOS and the new version for Android to enjoy fantastic control of your MiRo robot. Available on the AppStore, MiRoAPP is compatible with our MiRo-B and MiRo-E robots.

MiRo Used in Robotics Distance Learning Project to Close Skills Gap and Boost Economy

MiRo Used in Robotics Distance Learning Project to Close Skills Gap and Boost Economy

The project who will be working with schools that have high numbers of children from disadvantaged backgrounds and pupils with special educational needs. Its goal is to help more of those who are currently under-represented in robotics to develop skills in robotics and autonomous systems, close the skills gap and drive forward productivity in the UK.

MiRo for Research: Small Robots with Big Tasks

MiRo for Research: Small Robots with Big Tasks

Professor of Computer Science Lynne Baille and her team at Heriot-Watt University have been investigating the use of MiRo for a fall alert. Read on to learn about their approach for human-centered robot interaction (HRI) research.

The Thinking Behind Robotic Design

The Thinking Behind Robotic Design

Designing an emotionally engaging robot is a discerning balance between how its personality will be emotionally perceived and its functionality. For Consequential Robotics, it is this interaction between the human and the machine that is our primary focus.

Winners of Innovate UK's Covid-19 Rapid Response Competition

Winners of Innovate UK's Covid-19 Rapid Response Competition

In April 2020, the UK government announced that UK businesses could apply for a share of up to £40 million to respond to new and urgent needs in UK and global communities during and following the Covid-19 pandemic.

3 Steps to Teach Coding with MiRo

3 Steps to Teach Coding with MiRo

Product Director Izzy Barnes explains in 3 easy steps how teachers can use MiRo to teach coding in a fun and engaging away to students wherever they are in the world. Keep reading to learn how MiRo can be used to ignite the imaginations of restless students at home to get them excited about coding and appreciate the many doors that it can open for them.

3 Uses for this Friendly Little Robot

3 Uses for this Friendly Little Robot

Michael Szollosy, Research Fellow at Sheffield Robotics and a regular MiRo user has been developing his research on the cultural perceptions and impacts of robots. Here, he speaks about why he thinks MiRo is a unique robotic platform.

Creating Robots that are Emotionally Engaging

Creating Robots that are Emotionally Engaging

We’re often asked about MiRo’s emotionally engaging design, when MiRo users are stroking its head and gazing adoringly at MiRo as it looks up at them with its big puppy dog eyes. Creating a robotic device that is emotionally engaging was a key component to MiRo’s design

The Science of Creativity

The Science of Creativity

STEM is a creative subject. I strongly believe that is true and that there is an important place for pupils with a creative mindset in STEM learning. There is clear evidence that leading scientists like successful artists, need to be imaginative…..