
Can Robots Support Social Distancing within the Home?

Can Robots Support Social Distancing within the Home?

Hear from Professor Lynne Baillie from the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, who, along with Computer Science graduate Neve Curnyn, investigated whether MiRo could assist with social distancing within the home.

Meet David - CqR's Latest Software Developer!

We’re excited to be introducing David to the MiRo community! David joins us as a Software Developer who will be working on making MiRo a more intelligent and more sociable robot friend.

Meet the coders that are helping MiRo to become a better robot

Meet the coders that are helping MiRo to become a better robot

We all have an innate desire to help others, be it helping someone cross the road, giving directions or being a shoulder to cry on. How do you like to personally help others? How about throwing a social robot into the mix and training MiRo to help people?

MiRoAPP for iOS Launch!

MiRoAPP for iOS Launch!

Download the new MiRoAPP for iOS and the new version for Android to enjoy fantastic control of your MiRo robot. Available on the AppStore, MiRoAPP is compatible with our MiRo-B and MiRo-E robots.

3 Uses for this Friendly Little Robot

3 Uses for this Friendly Little Robot

Michael Szollosy, Research Fellow at Sheffield Robotics and a regular MiRo user has been developing his research on the cultural perceptions and impacts of robots. Here, he speaks about why he thinks MiRo is a unique robotic platform.

The Science of Creativity

The Science of Creativity

STEM is a creative subject. I strongly believe that is true and that there is an important place for pupils with a creative mindset in STEM learning. There is clear evidence that leading scientists like successful artists, need to be imaginative…..

12 Key Research Challenges for the Future Use of Robots in Social Care

12 Key Research Challenges for the Future Use of Robots in Social Care

As technology companies and product designers begin to focus on developing robots for social care, they will also start to consider the research challenges. Professor Tony Prescott highlights twelve key research challenges.