Learn to code MiRo with the new ‘Code with Izzy’ videos!

As a MiRo robot and coding enthusiast, you’ve probably seen videos of MiRo performing all sorts of weird and wonderful functions and behaviours. You may have wondered how MiRo was programmed to perform those tasks? Perhaps you wanted to program MiRo to do that yourself?

Well, the wait is finally over. Welcome to our new series of videos that will show you how to program your MiRo to perform some pretty cool functions! Our Code with Izzy video series will walk you through programs that we have especially developed using MiRoCLOUD to help you get started and think about the range of possibilities and personalities for MiRo.

So first off, budding MiRo coders must learn how to make a social robot dance, we consider it as one of the basics of coding so Izzy will show you how to program MiRo to disco dance in our first video. Once you have seen the code, Izzy will then show you how the program runs on the actual MiRo robot. We hope you like the new dance routine that we put together!

Session 1: Disco MiRo

The videos are brief and are a perfect introduction to MiRoCLOUD if you are a new user or a user looking for new ideas. We’ll be releasing regular coding videos so that you can reproduce the program yourself. By learning to code using a social robot, you will start to think about how MiRo might interact with its environment, what emotions or behaviour you might program it to show in a given scenario or situation. How will YOU design your MiRo to respond? Our videos on Emotions below will give you a few ideas about how MiRo feels when it is being stroked and when it hasn’t been stroked in a while.

We hope that you enjoy our new series; do send us videos of your programs too!

Session 2: Emotions Part 1

Session 3: Emotions Part 2

Head on over to our Videos page for all upcoming Code with Izzy videos.